網路時代來臨,EFL 學生如何有效閱讀網路真實材料 (authentic materials),來獲取新知與世界接軌,已成為當前重要的課題。可惜的是,台灣 EFL 學生常常放棄閱讀網路英文文章,因為其英語詞彙不足,對複雜句構及文法不了解,以及不熟悉閱讀策略等等。本中心希望設計以電腦科技為輔的網路閱讀中心 (English Reading Online),以嘉惠學子。
其設計的理念,其一、根據 Grabe (1991) 的六大閱讀技巧 (component skill approach),其中包括 automatic recognition skills (自動認字)、vocabulary and structural knowledge (單字及文法結構)、formal discourse structure knowledge (修辭結構)、content/world background knowledge (背景知識)、synthesis and evaluation skills (分析與綜合),及 metacognitive knowledge skills (後設認知)。
其二,根據閱讀策略研究,包括 Oxford (1990) 的六大閱讀策略 (即 cognitive strategies 認知策略、memory strategies 記憶策略、compensation strategies 彌補策略、social strategies 社會策略、affective strategies 情意策略,及 metacognitive strategies 後設認知策略)。以及 Mokhtari and Sheorey (2002) 提及的 Global strategies, problem solving strategies, and support strategies 等。
其三,根據台灣現有的 Web-based reading programs (Chang et al, 2003; Chen, 2003, 2004; Sun, 2003),以上三方面,結合成「網路英文閱讀中心」,希望幫助學生有效閱讀網路文章。
With the trend of globalization and the rise of WWW, online reading has become a major source of input for L2 readers. Reading is not restricted to printed materials only; instead, students need to frequently consult online materials to keep themselves updated. This technology-enhanced reading program - English Reading Online - is therefore built in the hope of helping students overcome language deficiency and achieve better reading comprehension in reading online texts.
The construction of our Website integrates research findings from Grabe's (1991) component skills, Oxford's (1990) language learning strategies, and current reading programs in Taiwan (Chang et al, 2003; Chen, 2003, 2004; Sun, 2003). The six components essential to developing reading fluency are automatic recognition skills, vocabulary and structural knowledge, formal discourse knowledge, content/world background knowledge, synthesis and evaluation skills, and metacognitive knowledge skills (Grabe, 1991).
In addition, Oxford's (1990) learning strategies useful for reading (i.e. memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, social, and affective strategies) as well as Mokhtari and Sheorey's (2002) reading strategies (i.e. global, problem solving, and support strategies) are realized in our program.
Finally, current Web-based reading programs provides useful framework for our online reading center. By integrating all of the above findings, we hope that our English Reading Online can bring students pleasant and rewarding online reading experiences.
黃馨週(Hsin-chou Josephine Huang)老師 - 英文閱讀中心 English Reading Online